What a demon gets when they make you angry, upset, sad, make you look or feel stupid etc… don’t engage them, ignore, ignore, ignore unless you are into getting dudes off…
He’s weak, get him!!!! Oh yeah, look at him squirm! Here’s where they begin to swarm like vultures or pirañas with boners. Power Rangers version; Demon Boners unite and they form into a Mega Demon Boner
by MValentine69 April 2, 2022
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When someone passes gas on your couch that's so foul when the person leaves the smell stays in the upholstery
Dude, why the hell does your apartment smell so bad?

Because Larry came over last night and left an upholstery demon...
by Upholstery Demon March 26, 2019
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Friend who is on the longest snap streak with me! V cool eyeliner (teach me), and says they aren't hot when they actually are angry.
.angelic._.demon is hot hehe
by Sonianevermindsupremacy June 13, 2021
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When you take out your penis and ejaculate onto a freshly sunburnt back.
by Snatchmadeinheaven August 18, 2017
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When you find an evil bitch and spread her legs wide open and to your surprise you are met the smell of fire and brimstone, the screams of hell, and demonic jagged vaginal teeth that bite your dick off.
I was thinking she was marriage material but thankfully before taking her to meet the family I found out she was a demon spreader. Barely saved my dick from this one!
by Miss Kitty 13 March 18, 2023
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When someone is taking a hot, steamy, shower and someone else goes into the bathroom and takes a shit without any courtesy flushes.
“I woke up and hopped in the shower and my boyfriend went in and dropped the nastiest Steam Demon- he damn near suffocated me.”
by Themostradofall November 16, 2022
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It's when your shit is so hot that when it hits skin that bitch turns into a homemade steam room.
Brad - Hey Nick come here!

Nick - What?
*Brad shits on his arm
*Nick autistic scream
by OG Snowstorm August 15, 2017
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