To stroll comfortably into a social situation with confidence. To blend into a party scene.
He sho' was flat foot pimpin' out there on the dance floor. He knew his moves.
by ArfGraf April 29, 2016
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An ikea flat pack box is a term given to a disabled person whos joints like knees, shoulders, hips and jaws can pop out of there sockets with ease. This can be used as an insult or description however this does depend on said situation.
"oh hey do you know jack" - Person 1
"no which one is he?" - Person 2
"Ikea flat pack box" - Person 1
"ahh right" - Person 2
by LazZzZz July 13, 2021
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To smugly turn and face the opposing direction of an intended audience while having a full fledged conversation usually when it is business critical
*Three People speaking in a triangular formation; one of them is turned with their back to the other two, while the two are in avid discussion*
Lizzy- "Dick, hey I'm trying to communicate a few critical things that need to happen by the end of your shift"
Dick- "Oh, is that what you call it." Hmph (back turned to Lizzy, facing Barnaby)
Barnaby- "Did it not occur to you: You're flat-backing your boss... dick"
Lizzy- "You are a dick, Dick"
by BMiller58 December 24, 2022
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An insult used to hurt the feelings of the grandchild of the person you just boned till theyre flat
by Ctrlz.onion June 1, 2018
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A non-sexual act involving skin-to-skin contact of two or more taint areas. Contact must produce a smacking sound.
I enjoy long walks on the beach, day trading and flat-caking with my boys.
by Vladimir Trickington December 21, 2017
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