When you non-chalantly bend/spread your legs while in deep conversation to unstick your nuts that are sticking to your inner thigh.
I just did the stuck nut shuffle while I was talking to that hot girl over there and she thought I was doing yoga poses.
by Bogu7883 February 27, 2021
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The act of making a trash dad joke and repeating making a shuffle (small dance) after finding how unsuccessfully successful the joke was.

Schwarzenegger shuffle: singular; Schwarzeneggers' shuffles: plural, the act of many people doing once or more than once.
Dad's friends and our family were at the table eating dinner, dad makes a shitty joke and he and his friends do a Schwarzenegger shuffle on or near the table.
by Dr. DaddyChadensky January 29, 2023
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In PUBG when you have a downed teammate and you run over to him and take a health kit while your teammate dies.
I was down by the tree and you Sherlock shuffled and we all died.
by KillaDubb YA July 5, 2019
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A phrase meaning 'good looking hair'
Woah, Ben has shuffle hair today
by qwertyduuuuude September 26, 2010
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A playlist best enjoyed in shuffle mode. Playing the list in the unshuffled order is not intended and may feel monotone and repetitive.
Steve, I'm tired listening to the same shit for an hour straight! Please use shuffle, it's a shuffle list for gods sake!
by Dr. Even February 10, 2010
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when you and your roommates smoke weed in the bathroom because your landlords are assholes and don't let you smoke in the backyard
Roommate 1: "Hey guys wanna hit the bathroom shuffle?"
Roommates 2, 3, & 4: "Fuck ya!"
by fuckdaops September 7, 2020
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When a man places his penis on the outside of his pants and walks briskly past people rubbing his penis against them without their knowledge.
That guy's dick is outside his pants, he must be shuffling.
by ten32 October 30, 2020
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