Where a bunch of MTG kids go to fight which ends up being broken up by the cops or people jumping in.
MTG Kid 1: Hey are you going to Ag Field? These two kids are gonna fight but i think one of them are gonna back out.
MTG Kid 2: Dude tell them to reschedule it at 7pm instead of 4pm I got to babysit my shithead little brother.
by Saturdays are for the boys October 13, 2017
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When a guy tries to get with a girl but is cock blocked by there age.
"Jim was about to smash Tracy than she said he was too young he totally got age blocked"
"What an age block"
by Dongslinger April 29, 2015
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Where a person of age has grown impatient, lazy and thus selfish due to understanding how the world works
My father has grown "Sour Aged"
by Ass_Pounder October 5, 2020
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Refers to either of two developmental-periods in a particular child's life:
(1) From toddler to maybe ages five or six, when many a "Little Rascal" turns into a young Achmed who seethingly wants to "keel" everyone whom he dislikes or cannot make kowtow to his wishes.
(2) From "'tween to teen", when said sullen young rebel is attracted to da appalling music/movies made by "frozen-water" stars like da Cube, Vanilla, etc.
This year's summer is gettin' hotter 'n' blue blazes, yet we are in da middle of a bleepin' ICE AGE when it comes to da atrocious entertainment dat today's youth wants to access!
by QuacksO August 12, 2019
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An ice age is a long period of reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.
Did you know there was an Ice age during the Cambrian period
by ColinMc March 24, 2021
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when shrimp mass age its considered a lie
shrimps cant mass age wdym ?
by Euejjejwkk December 12, 2021
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decades of years taken away like mass murder
u cant mass age a shrimp only cats tho!
by Euejjejwkk December 12, 2021
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