A mix of 70s and 80s disco and indie rock. Also can be seen as "discoxcore" or dxc.
An example of Disco Core is the band Justice.
by stovetopsara April 21, 2008
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A person who sells or has the hook up on illicit drugs in the nightclub
We need to see the disco pharmacist as soon as we get to the club.
by Oscar 98 March 27, 2017
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A Disco Rug is an interchangeable term used to describe either a mustache or pubic hair, with the meaning typically depending on the context in which it is used.
Example A: “Hey man, I saw you rocking that disco rug Saturday night. Lookin’ good!”

Example B: “It was a long night. We went back to their apartment and I found out they had a crazy Disco Rug.”
by NumberOneSwimmer February 9, 2022
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A band originated in 1996 in Pori, Finland. The best band to ever exist, the only issue is their obscurity.

Vocalist: Miikka Koivisto
Guitarist: Jussi Ylikoski
Bass: Lasse Lindfors
Drums: Mikko Hakila
Person A: "Whats your favorite band?"
Person B: "Disco Ensemble, duh!"
by thesmolmasquerade June 28, 2022
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you either love it, you hate it, you like their early stuff when there was actually a band or you only know that one song I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Person: Panic At The Disco is a really good band
Other person: oh god, they're so annoying
3rd person: I really like I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Person: is that their only song you know
3rd person: yeah
Person: ahhhhhh
by im a weird person June 28, 2019
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AKA "I'm a 14 year old girl and my parents hate me"
14 year old girl: "I love Panic! at the Disco!"

"Do your parents hate you?"

14 year old girl: "Yes, how did you know?'
by ni:b::b:er August 18, 2018
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