Worm is an umbrella for multiple words could mean swag, ok, cool, sick, awesome, or if something is good
Bert: so my bestie got me a sick cardigan for Valentine's day
Humphrey: oh worm man
by Sassybetch23 March 4, 2023
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“Bro I got that good coosh
“Bro thats worm as fuck”
by Sam Marki 🙀 July 14, 2019
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Worm is essentially an way of saying “is it really?” when asking a question. It also works as a “Yes” in response.
“Hey, did you hear that class is cancelled tomorrow?”

“Oh, worm?”
by dorodorodoro September 24, 2021
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any person’s status or level of respect within their community or among their peers.
“Nah that guy’s a loser, he ain’t gettin’ worm”

“Hey John, heard you bagged a 10 last weekend…then you got that big job promotion…next thing I know you’re on a plane to Zimbabwe building houses for orphans and teaching them how to invest in cryptocurrency. You really know how to get that worm!
by thecoffeeman October 25, 2023
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loves you with their whole heart
My friend Worm is always hugging me“
by H3lloSh1tty January 31, 2022
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A word to describe an emotion that can’t quite be pinpoint so instead of trying to describe it, you say worm to save embarrassment
Katie: “how are you”
Zion: “worm
Katie: “huh”
Zion: “it is a word to describe how you’re feeling but we don’t have time to unpack all of that”
by Wormqueen March 13, 2019
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A confirmation, and/or a substitution for the word "cool."
Rob: My apartment application got accepted.
Ken: WORM!
by beanthetrashman November 20, 2020
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