A decrepit soul with a limp so pronounced that they almost appear to sway back and forth like an old wooden wagon wheel.
Hey Joe, check out Wagon Wheel limping around again.
by Trudat75 November 22, 2019
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Extreme sexual act when you perform 69 while cart wheeling.
Me and my girlfriend got freaky and starting wagon wheeling around the house.
by Spazmatic rifle February 16, 2021
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Act of dipping your dick in hot chocolate then making your girl suck it off.
I gave Lisa a chocolate covered wagon last night.
by bolognaround January 23, 2015
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Noun: A person, usually of color, who dresses or acts in a certain obnoxious and vulgar way to bring undo attention to themselves. These people are referred to as Circus Wagons because of the loud and vibrant colors exude by a Circus car.
Alistar : hey Charles did you see that Circus Wagon check out your Mom?
Charles: Yeah he smelled like he hadn't showered in weeks and, he needs a belt his pants are sagging .
Alistar: I have no idea why he needs to comment on everything he just looks like an idiot ...
Edwards: Well, guys come on he is after all a circus wagon.
by Original_franz December 4, 2017
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Fighting sobriety by drinking when thou wake up to avoid letting the prior evenings alcohol go to waste
Wake up hung over, laugh, have a shower Scotch, we on the Demp Wagon now.
by Dude, dude, no December 12, 2020
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My way of saying, "I'm Single". That's all.

Inspired by the teetotaling phrase "Riding the Water Wagon".

If you're riding this wagon, you're all alone.
"How come Jesse has a girl, but I'm stuck riding the singularity wagon? What the actual f*ck?"
by PlanetOceanReturns June 8, 2023
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