When two people with braces start to makeout with each other, both of their Braces get stuck to each other
Yea I was trying to get to second base last night when me and my girlfriend got brace faced dude.
by Mr.Heat Miser August 21, 2015
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A human being that decides that another persons object will be theirs or stealing that object weather it be a phrase, photo etc
Ew look at him , he's a Snip Face
by Bread sandwich December 12, 2017
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Anytime a girl's makeup runs over her face due to tears or precipitation giving the appearance that she has been recently crying...most likely in a bathtub behind a locked door.
I broke up with my girlfriend last Monday and she has had bathtub face all week.
by dweezey January 31, 2011
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Normally used to describe a good friend that has no common sense, yet somehow does well in school. They lack the ability to have a normal conversation with someone who they think is fit
by Twatface69 April 17, 2020
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Person who has a degrading kink and wants to fuck me
Me (alpha): ugh… hey twat face
Twat face: I’m an L BOZO who simps for everyone 🥺🥺
by Whyd_!tch3.3 April 30, 2022
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Everyone loves Stacy P. she is such a Twat Face.
by Malta Milk June 4, 2019
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