While standing in the closet dress is your favorite superhero with a with a hole cut in the crotch watching two people have intercourse you masturbate vigorouslyinto each one of their shoes while maintaining a tight clench on your DC or marvel butt plug. At the end you jump out and say something like Shazam or gee Willis Batman and run away shamed by what you have done Allen crouch
Did you hear that somebody pulling in Allen crouch in a Batman costume the other day not in a pair of f****** doc martens the disgrace the funny thing is is that the butt plug fell out and it was a hello Kitty one not a DC One
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Where your girlfriend plays tug of war with a dog and blows it at the same time.
Is your girl giving that dog a Kansas Tug And Pull?
by Daman103747 July 1, 2018
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Accidentally having cencored hentai saved to your camera roll.
Bob: Hey so Dylan was showing me his camera roll and he is totally Pulling a lil Mo

Mike: Das crazy, you going to tell him?

Bob: Nah his parents check it every day, it's better this way
by Lord Asparagus April 9, 2022
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When you bring up a relationship and find out it had just ended and now the conversation is really awkward.
Annabelle- “are you and Maddie still together”

Boy- “we just broke up...”
by majorfreaksallday November 25, 2018
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The prerequisite to 'Pulling a Frank' is being laughably dense , and generally means having a misconception of something that should be elementary and relatively easy to piece together, even for a preschooler. 'Pulling a Frank' means going throughout most of your life with such a misconception until you ask someone about it, most likely a friend.
You and your friend walk through the park.
Suddenly your friend spots a white dove.
Your friend ponders for a moment then asks you, "Hey, Stephen. Is it true that doves turn into seagulls?"
You simply reply "Why yes. Yes of course, Frank" overwhelmed by your friend's unprecedented stupidity.

That's how you pull a frank. You're now so embarrassed to be seen with him you start pacing a little faster than him, as you walk through the park.
by SaynoaraJoe February 5, 2014
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To evade responsibilities to have fun.
To run away from one's duties to do something else.
I was in a meeting but it was boring so I had to Pull a Teddy.
Rachel did not show up to the fundraiser, she pulled a teddy.
by RamvoX February 19, 2021
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