You would get something different and has the random flip feature, have you tried it?
by Qi_87 May 23, 2022
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guy:hey dude!
another guy:chesse!
guy:but my mother is a pencil!
another guy:then lets get married!
guy:then go to the flying glass!
other guy:i ate buttass man
you:this is random
by riganman!@# March 16, 2020
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1. made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.

1. an unknown, unspecified, or odd person.
1. "apparently random violence"

1. "Cat and Jim sure are a pair of randoms"
by umop-3pisdn August 13, 2019
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All of a sudden. Normally used when something unexpected happens.
Guy1: How was the soccer game?
Guy2: Guess what? I have a boner.
Guy1: Dude thats so random.
by Jackson Lyons-Lowe March 31, 2016
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