The best person you will ever meet. Most of the time she will probably watching a tv show like the walking dead or supernatural. But when she's not she's probably never does homework and contemplates life
My friend knows a callie hall she is failing for of her classes
by Callie'slifeyo December 21, 2016
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The most disgusting piece of shit on earth. She copes with her weed addiction by teacher 8th grades college level shit. She enjoys calling her students "scholar". Many refuse to believe that she is not a bag of bones and dust
Bae Hall is a BITCH
by xSIBTY May 10, 2023
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A person who isn't worth marrying anywhere other than city hall
by Ralphwiggum94 January 1, 2022
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A beautiful truthful individual who is very nice unless you get on her bad side
I love bridget hall
by Her sugar daddy November 3, 2021
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when someone is so much better than people in the hall of fame they put him here and showcase all his great and noble works and good deeds and everything he did all his life , everything he said an did too the best way possible, and it don't ever stop showing it even millions of years later, the next generations must keep it up or a keeper must be made immortal to keep it up with eternal youth that won't die of old age or anything
he deserve to be in the hall of forever fame, he's infinite and beyond better than anyone in the hall of fame, its just not right to lop him in with them and share their mantle or pedestal.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 27, 2022
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A long hall is someone you know you'll hook up with in the future.
"Ahh I'm not stressed about John even though he' has a gf he's my long hall it's all good"
by icycakes September 30, 2015
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Casey Douglas Hall, a young teenage boy who lives on Tennyson Road in Loughborough, has lived his life rapping on bonkers beats. Also known by the name Casey_Raps06, he has worked with numerous famous artists such as ranJIT, Wezi Chivunga, Bomoody killer, Willy D and yxng.chxuhxn. Recently, he has once again become in love with his passion of shooting up elderly neighbourhoods with his extraordinary gun collection that is found in the comfort of his own him, and this is causing huge threats in Loughborough town as the public population has been frightened as Casey has warned that he's gonna back the rambo if any man come to close. Also, he has many other aspirations such as working with ISIS, and due to his current connections, there is a high chance he can get into that degree of work (because of Hayder from Baghdad). Overall, Casey Hall is a very friendly neighbourhood gta player who does shootings in the real life too. 🔫🔪🕌
Yo, is that Casey Gunless (not really) Hall? He's rah cool fam i don't want him to shoot me tho that would be peak styll. Calm my shlime.
by MohammedISISsaedi January 31, 2022
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