Meaning :Not bad. OK. Not brilliant but not bad.
"That looks half about. "
by Wise woman 777 February 20, 2021
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A phrase stated when expressing your thought or opinion.
"Yeah, but think about it, being able to tolerate the sound of your own voice in a video is probably the highest form of self acceptance."
by thatissofunnyhaha October 6, 2022
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I went into the dining-room, and sot down afore a plate that had my name writ on a card onto it; and I did walk into the beef and 'taters and things about east.
by Delbosco October 14, 2021
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1) phrase used to express your general discomfort and/or annoyance with someone else's whining or crying
2) phrase used to communicate that you simply do not care
Malik: "Hey man I aced my culinary exam on types of kitchen knives!"
(5th time today mentioning it)
Jake: "Damn bro, you still talking about it?"
by TheStankiest April 19, 2022
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