Some retarded political theory. Some say it came straight from Trump.
"Q Sent Me!!"
by ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ March 30, 2021
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Full sender, buddy loves cars. High off life, Never stops sending. Has an attitude when drunk. Lowkey a good guy (when sober), but Is an alcoholic. Overall A fun ass character. #differentbreed
Q is sending it like always, like cmon man.
by ItsQ October 19, 2020
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Hey there, today I am going to make you cry. Q is just an O except now its a catgirl
by I have achived boredom August 9, 2021
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Indicates enthusiam, pleasure or agreement with something or someone.
1. "We're all going out for margaritas tonight!"
"Q, I'll be there!"

2. "What do you think about Professor Jones?"
"Professor Jones? He's Q."
by artofindifference April 14, 2021
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Well, you did it, you went deeper into this hole farther than anyone dare go, you my sir, have skipped 25 letters of your keyboard, I applaud you for your bravery, but as all things do this is where it ends, you have no more letters to skip, you've ran out, depleted you supply. What comes next? Only time will tell.
Me: I did it.
Friend: Did what?
Me: I typed q
Friend: What?
Me: I skipped 25 letters of my keyboard to only type q.
Friend: Fucking hell how bored are you?
by cabbage_Guy December 8, 2022
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