Okay like if you didn't like hawkmoth from miraculous ladybug than you will love shadow noir tho.
Spoiler for this one but Thomas always spoilers so eh
Okay like hawkmoth gets the cat miraculous and fuses all three together ( the butterfly, peacock and cat) AND OMG HE IS SO FUCKING GOOD LOOKING like I swear you MUST love him after that.
Anyway :D
Person 1: omg did you saw shadow noir?
Person 2: no..??
Person 1: *shows pic*
Person 2: o.m.g
by SimpForDilfs November 23, 2021
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A system in any work place where promotion or transfer is prevented by Human Resources or a Manager due to the politically incorrect standing of an employee or due to other factors such as age discrimination). The one being shadow cancelled does not know this is taking place to undermine their professional career.
My boss and director recommended my for promotion, but HR vetoed it-I'm sure it is due to me being shadow cancelled so I can't advance.
by Cuivre2004 July 18, 2022
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A type of dance move where you imitate a DJ unironically. You feel the music deeply and you let the knees and hips go crazy.

It’s essentially the dance version of shadow boxing - replace the boxer with a DJ.
Person 1: Fuck! That’s a killer dance move, never seen it done so naturally - what’s it called?

Person 2: Just the Shadow DJ mate, my mum named it.
by Shadow DJ Master November 8, 2022
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meaning flat and non existant house insult meaning poor homeless
wow that man lives in a shadow shaped house
by n.w.2k9 May 19, 2009
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The Shadow is a person who self proclaims this name as a sign of his autism.Dont get too close because he will proceed to flex with his robux from his moms credit card.Do not engage conversation because he will say "who asked". I repeat, stay away from him, if he starts to say something about giving you free stuff its just a trap, he will proceed to assert his unexistant dominance.Is very "toxic" and can be mistaken for a fortnite player very easly.
Oh no , run , The Shadow is lurking right around that sewer with his moms credit card
by Mr Shroom November 21, 2021
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A person that is extremely edgy and plays League of Legends. Has an unholy obsession with the in-game currency "Riot Points" and spends too much time playing the game.
Person 1 : Yo! I finally reached Gold 2 after 11 hours of gameplay straight!
Person 2 : Congrats, but don't turn into a Shadow Rogue over it.
by IAmBadeed May 25, 2019
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