Dirk's Diggler is a small Jewish penis that leaves its owner at night, roaming the landscape, moaning and screaming like a little piglet.
Phred and me were walking home across the Moors, and we were suddenly confronted by Dirk's Diggler, who started screaming at us in a shrill voice full of gloom and whiskey. We ran.
by Jacques Asse June 25, 2009
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The one friend who always trys to get some at a party but never can usually to lack of penis size or just plain creepy and trys way to hard. He becomes extra creepy when intoxicated.
Man that guy is being a creepy dirks tonight.
by E-NO March 8, 2007
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Simply means dick, based off the character from boogie nights who’s rolling with a thumper
Oh fuck, look at that chick, I’d love to through my dirk diggler up that
by Deaz101 August 25, 2019
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To be in any level of competitive basketball and simply finding it next to impossible to miss, sometimes while making it appear effortless.
Did you guys win?

Yeah it didn't hurt that Cole was Dirking off all over the place. We won by 12- he was draining everything.
by jojoker May 25, 2011
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A dirk is a cigarette. A dirk stain is the yellowing of the fingers due to the dirk smoke.
Katie: "ew man I need to quit smoking, these dirk stains are seriously gross!"

Jon: "cut up a raw potato and rub it on your fingers. I guarantee it'll take away your dirk stains"
by Chilli.k2 February 6, 2014
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Small, but deadly. He can also be used as a pokemon card.
~Ash~ "Go Pickachu"
~qwikscoper69~ "Go Jan-Dirk"
Jan-Dirk proceeds to mercilessly slaughter the enemy Pickachu.
by BindoLord February 12, 2017
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so hes like gay right but hes gay ANDDD HAS TRAUMA but is gay right and like mlp BUT IS GAY
by tturntechGodheadd September 9, 2022
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