Someone who’s sweet most of the time. A sweethearts name is always Germain/Jennifer
The word can be used instead of sweetheart, because it has the same meaning
“She is always so kind, such a Germain
by The sweetheart April 23, 2020
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A person who’s is always kind to other people, also called a Germain/Jennifer
It can be used instead of sweetheart, because it has the same meaning

“You should marry her, she is such a Germain

“I love that girl, she is the schools Jennifer
by The sweetheart April 23, 2020
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Keyshla is a sweetheart but falls in love with the wrong guy and Falls in love quickly. She is an amazing person and cares for others more then herself. She has had her heart broke multiply times dates fuck boys and never the right guys but she is very pretty gorgeous.
by Usbjusg November 24, 2021
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A girl or boy that you only talk to on Snapchat for the sole purpose of keeping their existence a secret.
“Yo i finally got Justin’s number ! I’m no longer his snapchat sweetheart!”
by Babylonianfighter December 16, 2019
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