To get found out for doing something wrong which you did actually do.
He got scooped for graffiting the park bench and was grounded for 3 weeks.
by JammyBambi March 23, 2006
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The act of lifting a heavier persons boob fat in a funny way
you must yell SCOOP! when you do it or it looses it's meaning
did you see eric get scooped
I just got scooped
by ShittyLiddy December 9, 2008
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Something that is great, better than two scoops of Raisin Bran.
That movie was good. Better than expected. It was The Scoops in my opinion.
by Terry Bad Ice February 13, 2018
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A game where two players (usually men) grab one’s man titty (in a non-homosexual way) then quickly proceed to cover their own so the scooped person cannot “scoop” them back. While you grab their man titty, you have to say “scoooop!”.Usually, this game is played when the person getting “scooped” is off-guard
Carl: Hey bro, hows it goi- SCOOP!
Dereck: Dude would you stop scooping me oh my goduh
by professionaltittygrabs April 2, 2022
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To shape your hand like a scoop and basically just to slide it under someone’s chin.
by Hentaiwaifu666 January 16, 2020
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When you slap someone’s neck near the chin. Once this is done, the balls-in-the-mouth counter starts and the only way to stop it is to cough. A harmless prank that usually is a fad between the Late elementary to middle school years and is considered immature after high school but is sometimes still incorporated when you just have to because the other people either don’t know about it or are sitting there with their neck wide open. *Sigh*
Rob: “Bro look at that spot on the ceiling!”
Also Rob: *Scoops Nick*
Nick: “Tf-?“
Rob: “1. 2. 3. 4-“
Nick: *Cough* *Eyeroll*
by LolIhavenocluetho August 12, 2020
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a brush of the tit area in a upward flicking motion.
scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop etc.
by phatts Jtown February 2, 2009
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