When you play Minecraft for so long you start to disconnect from reality.
Dave:"I've been playing Minecraft for so long I forgot how the real world works bruh"
Dave #2: "You got Minecraft Induced Psychosis man"
by Notawdew606 i promise January 20, 2021
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The act of not having enchanter have a function other than the original rune in shadowbane. This lack of changing an usable rune has resulted in easily 500 people not playing shadowbane.
by PP-Peekachew July 25, 2022
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A severe episode of mental illness. Usually triggered by stress, trauma, drugs or Teegan. Can also happen randomly. Usually lasts up to a few weeks. Can last up to 6 months. Stay the fuck away from it!! It's the devil.
by This, that April 26, 2022
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Khalil not being able to play any games other than league
Khalil = Psychosis
by ADCeverything November 30, 2019
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Being so horny and hypersexual that one becomes delusionally perverse and "erotomanic" (sometimes "dangerously") that when they sexually harass someone that the person the harass likes and/or wants it. Someone who is Psychotically Horny wil also masturbate to things they nornally wouldn't and would possibly find degenerate when they are lucid. Horny Psychosis can typically be allieviated by orgasm where one becomes more lucid of one's mistake, but does not automatically mean they are more sane.

There are no precise numbers to who is more affected, but since hypersexuallity is more common among biological men they are probably more affected than women biological (im not being sexist look it up). Men who are more likely to be more affected are basement dwelling degenerates and neckbeards, people with certain types of mental illnessess (such as a someone with an impulse control disorder, bipolar patients in a manic state, and someone with a (psycho)sexual disorder and more ) and repeat sexual offenders. For women it's more common among neurotic and emotinally unstable and/or sociopathic women and women with the same types of mental disorders as described above for men and also repeat sexual offenders.
1. Girl 1: That creepy guy kept stalking me, i
hate it.

Girl 2: Eww yeah, he's such a creep, he must have: Horny Psychosis.

2. Guy 1: That crazy bitch that i fucked is stil trying to get me to get together with her and wanting me to fuck her but when i say no she fucking screams at me and calling me shit.

2. Guy 2: Yeah that sucks man, she must have: Horny Psychosis.
by Dr Sex M.D. Fucking Psychiatry November 1, 2023
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A powerful detachment from reality caused by obsessively reading politically charged conspiracy theories, and generally believing anything said by certain pundits who often pass off obvious falsehoods as truth. The primary characteristic is being susceptible to fervently believing extremely outlandish claims which are easily disproven by a simple Google search.
"Did you hear? They actually believe schools are installing litter boxes for students who identify as furries!"
"I know. It's Politically Induced Psychosis."
by NoxMelo March 25, 2022
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a alcohol induced mental affliction which beguiles the sudferer into believing that between his fourth rum and coke and his sixth trip to the men's room he acquired the ability to sing.

Although frequently associated with karaoke, the affliction can accur anywhere industrial quantities of alcohol are consumed, music is played, and assholes abound.
Suddenly he could sing everything better than the original artists like he was touched by a Muse, but he was just suffering from karaoke psychosis.
by thearchangelofsex May 19, 2022
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