When one lifts to much weight and one loses control of their bowels.
I saw this guy dead lifting 200lbs and he Jeff Kemped himself. It smelt bad
by Jeff Kempster October 15, 2014
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A person or persons who are negative and use that negativity to bring down others.
The kemp was around to spoil a great occasion.
by Green and Yellow July 7, 2023
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Popular street name for Ket, unique to Derby
by Kayalana June 14, 2020
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Someone who has a very untidy house and never leaves no matter the weather.
Hey, u seem like a Kemp
by Johnson Haley February 7, 2022
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Denan Kemp, King of the Goosey. A man who provides life to all NRL followers. A man who is soo arousing, others want to be him. He has the best glutes you’ll see and never disappoints on a Saturday.
Ohhhh wowww! That Denan Kemp is the definition of arousal.
by Sogs bruh October 17, 2019
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A found picture of ex-Eastenders actor and general television hardman Ross Kemp that has been folded and rephotographed. A popular internet craze.
1. Kemp Folds is the greatest blog of all time.
2. Guy 1 - Man, thats the funniest thing I've ever seen. What the hell is that?
Guy 2 - That's a Kemp Fold.
Guy 1 - He looks so cute.
by five_minute_hallway October 22, 2009
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