A groovier term for grass, weed, bud, etc..
My friends and I will be smoking some groovy grass tonight.
by Artemis_7 September 30, 2015
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(adjective) A recently (2010) evolved term that is derived from the 1960s-era slang-term "groovy" and the delicious breakfast food "waffles." It is a distant relative of the phrase "cool beans," loosely connected only in that they join together a slang term meaning "good" with a food item.

It has multiple possible uses, though the most common is in the situation that something is both offbeat and awesome, hence deserving an adjective that is equally offbeat and awesome.
Question: Hey did you see that girl dancing around with the flaming hula-hoop?

Response: Yeah, that was totally groovy waffles.
by RD323 September 15, 2010
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a term used by complete fucktards who try to copy austin powers and claim to be 'mad'. theyre not.
groovy baby! please be my friend
by anon April 20, 2004
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school caretaker who has a gcse, a-level, and PHD in swearing
groovy brian has bits of beans in his ears
by =CC= April 4, 2004
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This is when someone gets under a glass table face up and another person takes a dump on the table.
Judy likes popcorn when she sees a groovy movie.
by Buckwild May 19, 2006
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when you smoke pot and fall down and get a scar on yerr head from dancing so rad.
dude i pulled a groovy potter last night.
by Katie&Taylor October 16, 2007
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