A type of mechanical pencil used to give people flu shots. Should be avoided at all costs and is deadly to those that become in contact with it.

It's not a toy.
Guy 1: "OMG he has a gadget pencil"
Guy 2: "AHHH Run, he could give you a flu shot"
Guy 3: "Crap"
by MrQuicksand July 7, 2021
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1. A person of the geek, nerd, or just avid tech/gadget-y variety consumers who have a strong and unusual wantof technology.

2. Someone who has a tech/gadget fetish to the point they are up on when the next-gen models and brand new models of tech are coming out and urgently wait, often having a count down clock.
person 1: god...Jonas is pissing me off, every-time I come over he reminds me "IT'S JUST A FEW MORE WEEKS UNTIL THE NEW iPHONE COMES OUT".

person 2: don't mind him... he's a real gadget-gollum.

person 1: my friend Brittany seriously wants a iPhone, she's practically lusting after it....

person 2: awww....the poor gadget-gollum.
by MADAOxSAN November 24, 2009
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"Gadget" was the name given to the plutonium implosion device detonated in the Trinity Test in July 1945, at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The term "gadget" was a laboratory euphemism for a bomb.
Manhattan Project scientists had to overcome difficult scientific and engineering challenges to design and build the Gadget.
by pacificshell50 August 23, 2022
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a gadget is another word for a slag. because gadgets get used for pointless stuff and then thrown away which is what a slag is.
she is such a gadget
by hartpurygirls March 13, 2023
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when the government makes you suffer in some way for bad ruminations for another person.
The golden rule gadget put most valedictorians in the middle class.
by Coop Dupe January 2, 2020
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1. A track from the Kids game, Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force on the Nintendo DS, the track is oddly depressing because the gadget room has been destroyed.

2. a joke normally used in rips by, Silvagunner, TimmyTurnersGrandDad, and several others!
Joke 0:00, the melody becomes Gadget Room from Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force
by Smug Cultist September 20, 2022
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The twin brother of inspector gadget who is is inspects shit and other fecal matter. He’s a dirty boy, and has been arrested for noncing, fingering poop and other such activities.
Dirty gadget is here to inspect your arsehole
by J Bag/ Dirty Jamo February 25, 2020
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