Limits trading server is a place of trash where a bunch of retarded fucks exist AKA p*ki and justb*n! and some unkown mods and admins that have never spoken in the chat.
l are you in limits trading discord server? yes because i’m a retarded piece of shit.
by justbinandpekiareretards July 26, 2022
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a 20 year old living in his moms basement who weighs more than that fat cousin of yours, this man doesnt allow one meme in general and bans people
by ieatnoodlewithknife June 27, 2021
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A absolute shitfest where people with less than 2 brain cells gather. It’s become more and more of a clusterfuck more than a actually chat.
The AR12Gaming discord server general chat is somewhere you should avoid, to keep you brain cells and IQ safe from random shit.
by PlainDelight February 23, 2020
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when theres a group of 5 friends who act very brash in a public community server like they own the place, being usually unfriendly to anyone trying to participate from the outside even though it is publicly accessible.

the types of people you find in the server are people who are seemingly nice and accepting of everyone, but as soon as one negative thing goes into their place, they immediately activate protocol safespace where they attempt to bully you with the worst insults i have ever seen just to somehow win the arguments like a bunch of seething losers even though this is the internet and having a public server is just asking for trouble. an example of a few of these insults would be like insults commonly used on twitter or tiktok.
just met a group chat within a discord server, it was pain
by boomboomdajoomjoom January 1, 2022
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