Biggest body and booty ever concieved, but small dick and possibly a product of incest. Also possibly autistic
Person 1: Oh god its ryan
Ryan Der: yEs i aM goD
Person 1: *gets raped and is given genital warts from Ryan Der*
by the passive menis May 23, 2018
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Haze der is a phrase of scouse origin. It essentially means "I have cannabis, would you like some". Haze is a type of cannabis (probably Lemon Haze).
Person 1: "Haze Der"
Person 1: "uno dat"
by leogauntlover69 January 29, 2023
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a term people in the midwest especially chicagoans will use to show where something is.
Michael: Ay bud ya know where the closest Portillos is?

Charlie: ay yeah it’s over by der *points*
by midwesternerrrrrr February 4, 2020
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Fervent Bernie Sanders supporters who attack people for criticizing their favored candidate.

"Stan-ders" is a combination of "Sanders" and "Stan," the unhinged fan from the Eminem song of the same name.
"I mildly criticized Bernie Sanders on Facebook, and a bunch of Stan-ders freaked out and accused me of being a Republican. Sheesh. I hope they never try to send him fan mail."
by HarmonicaVirgin March 8, 2016
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red bull backwards

eg: 1. Hey, pass me dat llub der.

Take a llub der at dat light.
by Eric Justin Starnes August 12, 2006
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Used for "Dat der celltech". That there celltech.
where you get dat der celltech?
I got it at da GNC
by random3206 July 14, 2009
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when you completely fuck somthing over using no common sense .
pronounced TIMMMMMMMMMDDDEEERRRRR sounds like (TIMBER somthing that falls uncontrollably)
Tim -I broke my beer bottle by you car

Chris -Nah thats alright

Tim -Nah i sweep it with my hand

Chris -He TIM-DER bud
by wendal B January 8, 2014
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