A Sock worn the morning after being used as a wank mop the night before..
Bill I'm running so low on clothes, this morning I had to put a Crunchie on.
by hellomeginty January 23, 2009
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One who is brunette but blonde on the inside.
She says the stupidest things, she is such ac crunchy.
by Maz December 13, 2004
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One who is nasty and doesn't care much for themelves. Kind of close to crusty, because bad higene is included in all that is crunchy. Cause if you crusty, you crunchy.

Denise is so crunchy, so doesn't care one bit bout how ho-y sleeping with the football team is. She just nasty!
by Comput4r Pr3z September 30, 2005
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Crack mixed with tobacco either in a blunt or spliff form. An evolution of the term chewy blunt, minus the marijuana.
Ay man you got some crack?


Tryin' to roll up a crunchy?

by Crunch head August 30, 2010
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Crunchy is a word that my group of friends and I use as an all pourpose word. We use it as cool, saucy, angry, and other things like that. We use it like the way that some people would use "Sick", "Wicked", or "Bad".
"59 friends??? Dang, you are Crunchy!!!"
"Calm down and don't be so Cruchy"
"Wow. That dude is so sweet and Crunchy"
by SupaDupa August 18, 2006
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Bro, no homo, but you givin’ me a crunchy.
by crunchy gurl February 26, 2018
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Beyond crusty. Like a piece of cheese, when it gets beyond the point of being crusty, it turns crunchy. When a person is so crusty that crusty is a weak insult, crunchy is the proper word.
Ew that gross bitch over there is crunchy!
by DaBluff69 October 30, 2017
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