a phrase used by that nigga Gilly Willy
Can be used towards anything and everything that u think is comp. comp meaning competition in a way.

Ed- Did u see that new girl down the street?
Gilly- Yea bro i seen her yesterday, she lowkey comp.
Ed- Wtf does that mean
Gilly- im saying that shes lowkey up with them bhad bitches.
EX- u and ur bois are on 2k and yall are running 3s, and elite 3s pull up to the court.
Gilly- There lowkey comp , yall wanna hop off?
by Gilly_BTW June 26, 2020
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Time off work, that is awarded for time worked outside of regular working hours instead of being payed overtime.

This may or not may actually exist, depending on Standard Operating Procedures. Could be replaced with Supervisory Discretionary Time Away From the Office (SDTAFO).
If you work on Saturday, you will be awarded one day of Comp Time so you can take off next Friday instead.


Comp Time does not exist for you, because you are a salaried employee.
by DPETAP December 15, 2009
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to run around showing off a cell phone, i pod, laptop or any other electronic device to every single person in sight.
also describes someone at starbucks who bought a laptop just for their free wi fi and the person that loiters around the electronics section of a store (ex; Wal mart) and shows people around like they work there and know everything about electronics.
Bill: HEY FRANK!!!!! LOOOKKIT MY NEW PHONE!!!!! *waves in face*
Frank: STFU U SPAZZ GAWD WHAT A COMP ROMP... *walks away*
Jose: man, Phil, bill's such a douche...
Phil: naw man, he's a comp romper.
by kepler necbrewski November 29, 2009
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shit school

full of fags

floors smell of dust and bread crumbs
"what school do u go to?"
"ah mount comp"
"is it good?"
"is it fuck"

by Mbunney2255 December 8, 2022
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Comp daddy is a bitch who left his friends to go to Missouri for the summer and came back 3 days late
Gwenney: Who is the gay man driving children in his car
Nat: that's comp daddy
Ava: yup, I'm the mother
by Messiah_Fighter_69_420 August 22, 2021
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someone with no sense of time or direction and is simply incapable of planning the smallest events
kris: where is everyone?

Tyler:i dunno, thomas planned it
kris & tyler: fucking comp major!

thomas: i hope you guys dont mind the upper deck
by ludakrishneel March 21, 2011
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Monetary restitution owed an individual for injuries sustained while nightclubbing, specifically from acts of grinding/twerking, typically self-induced and while in a state of intoxication.
"Can you believe it? Halie did so much crouching and booty clapping that night, she legit bruised her ass from smacking her heel so many times! Thankfully she can take Monday off and claim a day of TWERKER'S COMP."
by ShennyDeeLite January 22, 2020
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