My favourite dessert....mmmm....chessecake...

A base of crushed digestive biscuits mixed with butter, then a layer of cream-cheese, then topped with normally a fruit fruity / syrup-type topping.

The best ever has to be Lemon Cheesecake.
"Hey, got a call from that fit bird you like, she wants you now..!"

"She'll have to wait until I've finished my cheesecake.."
by Prem Shah September 20, 2006
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noun - A cake that has been covered in fecal matter soaked in urin , giving the feces a yellowish color, and a good disguise incase you want to share some cheesecake with people you dislike.
"Hey Danny , why is feces soaking in urin over here?"
"Im making Cheesecake for dinner with my boss tonight,"

"Yo Tony , can you crap in this container of piss for me?"
"Wtf , why?"
"'Cause I'm making cheesecake for the new neighbours"
"In that case , Sure!"
by Sauceking August 11, 2007
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Most other definitions for Chessecake on here are a little skewed in all actuality it means. When one is sleeping prefferably on the floor you drop your pants spread your asscheeks put your anus on thier nose and fart..... SEE ALSO Chocolate Cheesecakeand a females only version the Boisenberry Cheesecake
"There was a guy passed out on the floor and I Cheesecaked his dumb ass."
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Something that is not true; Bullshit
Jim: So you telling me D.Wade is better than M.Jordan?!?!
Mike: Hell Yeah!
Jim: That Cheesecake nigga!!
by Cela250 August 13, 2009
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Cheesecake is another term for Sex. It's a sweet & rich dessert as is sex, if you're getting the good kind of course.

Cheesecake with topping could be the term for those who are daring and willing to have sex while a girl is broken.
If everything goes well tonight, Johnny and I should be having some cheesecake.

I'm broken not sure Johnny is down for Cheesecake or not but I want it.
by Rawk$tar February 3, 2010
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Cheesecake as a slang term involves the derogatory usage of the word cheesecake to make reference to people. Its meaning has varied, but may include a person who has an inflated sense of their own intelligence and importance,has hypocritical religious and other views as opposed to factual or spiritual views,is unknowingly racist and/or prejudiced,has an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or is easily offended and unable to deal with opposing opinions. Common usages include the terms special kind of cheesecake, generation cheesecake,flabby cheesecake, and fat cat cheesecake as a politicized insult.
Cheesecake Examples are : I dont think government should be involved in people's medical insurance plans and I support the governments ruling on insurance company's not paying for birth control.
by cookwithbella December 26, 2017
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Comes from the notion that it "takes money to make money". "Cheese" and "Cake" are both slang terms for money. Therefore, when you put them together, you have "CheeseCake" or, money that you will be using with the primary objective of making more money.
Person 1: "I want to become a pro golfer"
Person 2: "Ha, let me tell you, considering the amount of money thats required for you to spend in order to become a very good golfer (Clubs, Tee Times, Lessons), your gonna need that CheeseCake. Pro golfers make alot of money, but your going to have to spend alot first."

Person A: "Dude I want to start my own business."
Person B: "Yea, but you gotta make that CheeseCake first."

"Yo man, I'm workin this 9-5 so I can get that "CheeseCake" to go gambling with"
by 76565476#*@ June 16, 2009
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