Hey man, did you actually eat my chocolate caviar?”

“What!”, “I thought those were raisins
by Saucy_Ramen_God April 25, 2019
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When you are hungry and need a munchie...

Boiled Quinoa with Soy Sauce and Mayo
Bro I am so hungry but we don't have anything to eat .... expect that old box of quinoa... I know let's make some Poor Man's Caviar
by AP_Rated October 4, 2023
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1. Idiom; describing a thing, or event, that is highly unlikely.

2. A lie (see also pigeon milk)

3. Let the buyer beware.
That wasn't weed, more like anchovy
caviar, guv.
by elm nop January 16, 2005
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A horrible playlist on Spotify made by degenerates who have vomit inducing music taste and spread that to those with a similar terrifyingly bad music taste, while they sit in a circle and jerk each other off about how good their taste is when in reality it's made up of Lil Baby, Polo G, and sometimes for some GOD foresaken reason, DJ Khaled.
"Yo bro what are you listening to?"
"Oh just some Rap Caviar!"
*Muders him*
by sexmaster1337 August 7, 2022
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Strawberry Caviar: The mindset of having it all, the skillset and opportunity, to accomplish any goal no matter how ridiculously improbable success may seem. The ability to persuade others to join in a delusional pursuit regardless of risk. A fake-it-till-you-make-it mode of manifestation
"Jewan was absolutely full of strawberry caviar when he somehow had every one of our rooms comped by Mr. Assface over there. WTF?"
by Orange Dawg February 18, 2021
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when you're fucking a female with a smelly vagina
Ex 1:
boy#1 - yo how was it last night with samantha??
boy#2- terrible, i was balls deep in caviar!!

Ex 2:
bob - hey frank, i heard you were with my girl last night.
frank - bro you could have her ... last night i was balls deep in caviar dawg.
by myabut leaks December 14, 2020
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A texture of pussy that also smells like sea bass.
Man that girl I hooked up with last night was like velvet caviar.
by Bullitproofone September 15, 2022
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