A body found typically on women ages 20-35 who have just given birth and/ or spend most of their time taking care of their kids rather than going to the gym . A mom bod includes but is not limited to, thick thighs, a soft and round but small belly, love handles, wide hips, a rear end that has the perfect amount of softness, length and width. Women with mom bods are NOT OBESE but they are 5-15 pounds overweight in the right places. A lot of women with mom bods still have their facial beauty but with the extra and amazing body thickness that comes with having children. Having a mom bod is not a bad thing, many guys find it attractive and even prefer it over a rail thin body type. One benefit of having a mom bod is that you’ll look super hot in leggings or yoga pants and you will also give the best cuddles as your body feels like a pillow :) Having a mom bod and being thick are technically the same thing but mom bods are more special because mom bods are more of a symbol of honor.
Friend: hey bro look at that girl over there she thick af like damn

Me: isn’t that Molly? She had a kid but damn she still looks good af she def has a Mom Bod just look at her thighs and butt

Friend : Hell yah mom bods Rock!
by Guzz Buzz September 6, 2021
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A Hot Bod is somebody with a body that is hot.
Bob “Hot Bod bitches!”
by GOD211onspeed March 12, 2019
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Abbreviation for 'body modification'.

Some people are addicted to bod mods.
by Pepperidge April 14, 2005
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The feeling someone gets after seeing someone else with a superior body.
Michael is very self-conscious about his physique, he suffers from a sever case of bod envy, especially when he's at the beach.
by Mr Natural May 16, 2007
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The body you receive near the end weeks of a school term due to assignment/exam stress, caffeine and lack of sleep. A feel of heaviness or laziness may be caused, as well as an increase of mass in the stomach, thighs, arms and so on. This body tends to wear off post exam weeks due to a better wellbeing and more chance of sleep rather than study.
"Bruh you up for some booging? (bodyboarding)"
"Nah, I'm rocking the exam bod"
by Mazzakazoo May 31, 2018
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Someone who has twigs for arms and legs but practically has a tumor of of grease and bad decisions for a torso.
“All the girls go crazy for that Goblin-Bod nowadays,” Chris said to himself in the mirror, a tear rolling down his face, aware of the lie he had told himself.
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