A blip is an onomatopoeic English noun used to refer a small dot registered on electronic equipment, such as radar or oscilloscope screens, or an electronically generated single-pitch sound. Alternatively, it has now entered usage as a short status update posted to any social networking website on the Internet.
Person 1: Hey! What happend?
Person 2:Oh! I am experiencing a Network Blip
by F10986 March 22, 2019
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Indigenous to The Pacific Northwest, a

Nigga-Blip is an accurate unit of measurement consisting precisely that of the same distance as one Cotton Pickin Mile, or 5,280 ft. if used in a numerical fashion.
Wow! Toby’s already 5,280ft. ahead of the hounds, which is a Nigga-Blip away, that’s The same distance as a Cotton Pickin Mile.
by AllBlackCadillac08 June 21, 2022
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A young blip is a person who isn't just a blood or isn't just a crip but they are both. And if you have one in your life make sure you keep them close because they are a funny and amazing spirit to have with you
Yo yo yo did you see that guy walking down the street... He's got to be a young blip . And if is one I'm going to go talk to him because I got to get me a young blip
by Magical_Person April 3, 2019
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Hitting the 'share with social network' button when you meant to hit something completely different.
I was just zooming in to see the hideous floral embroidery on a pair of over sized granny knickers and wondering who on earth would buy such an item, when I accidently made a hideous share blip.
by kerfoofle March 23, 2011
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No glamerous way to put it, a blip blump is a fat chick. If you are a really fat chick you are a blippy blumpstocking. Reason for this name is the sound the fat girl makes when she walks, if you listen close you can hear it.
Craig: Damn look at that blip blump over there, she is a super heavy weight for sure.
Kathy: Wow, your right check out those golf ball size sweat beads falling off her triple chin, and all she is doing is standing still.
by Craigory S June 23, 2011
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synonym for a joint/spliff. used because of its similar sounding to spliff. AKA Blipeen in Ireland.
here paddy, get them skins and put a blip together
by Dr.Fandango September 8, 2007
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A secret telletubie hiding in reality watching you sleep. The blip blap is watching all of us from the inside and out...
by Sabooboo the great February 28, 2018
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