The thing that people want to dip their balls into
"Should i dip my balls into sulfuric acid?"
by Obaminomicon April 19, 2022
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diarrhea-like shit that occurs just hours after taking lsd.
Dude, I was so tweakin last night, but DAMN, I have some crazy acid shits.
by nexuz37 July 26, 2006
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Most notably made widely known to the masses with the famous quote at Woodstock in 1969.

It wasn't certain that the brown acid the was circulating there was "bad", but because of the number of people that were "tripping" - many for the first time - there were many that were experiencing a "bad trip".
"To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it's your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?"

Not spoken by Wavy Gravy, but perhaps by Chip Monk. More research is needed to confirm this fact.
by TominEastLongmeadowMA June 8, 2009
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A shit so painful it feels like acid is coming out of your ass.
Bob: I ate some undercooked chicken today and have taken about four shits in the last hour. It burned like hell.

Tim: Sounds like you have Acid Poop bro.
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Diarrhea that burns. Usually occurring after a hard night of drinking or food poisoning, being sick, etc.
Don't go in the bathroom, I just had an extremely uncomfortable acid waterfall in there. It smells horrible.
by Sammy Garlough May 8, 2008
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"Acid Casualty" is a named applied to those who, post-LSD (just once, or lots of times) become sufficiently detached from the world they being acting different to the extent that they appear insane, or at least extremely eccentric to other people.
"Man, look at that topless old man climbing that lamp-post. I think he's got anti-war slogans on his back"

"Yeah, just another Acid Casualty."
by P1711 December 22, 2008
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