brown acid

Most notably made widely known to the masses with the famous quote at Woodstock in 1969.

It wasn't certain that the brown acid the was circulating there was "bad", but because of the number of people that were "tripping" - many for the first time - there were many that were experiencing a "bad trip".
"To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it's your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?"

Not spoken by Wavy Gravy, but perhaps by Chip Monk. More research is needed to confirm this fact.
by TominEastLongmeadowMA June 8, 2009
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brown acid

1. A reference to the Woodstock Festival in 1969, when stage announcements were made by legendary radio disc jockey Wavy Gravy, telling people that some of the brown-colored blotter acid (LSD) circulating the crowd was giving people negative hallucinations, causing freakouts.
2. A bad drug experience
3. Something that was supposed to be pleasurable but turned out nightmarish.
1. I thought this job was going to be fun, but it turned out to be, like, "Dude, don't take the brown acid."
2. That chick is the brown acid, but hey, it's up to you.
by MojoJojo101 January 6, 2008
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brown acid

1.)The acid you really shouldn't drop.

2.) acid...that happens to be brown.
Last time you dropped the brown acid, you stood on the roof thinking you were Jesus for three weeks!

Y'know...I could've sworn that Hydrochloric acid isn't naturally brown...
by Holy Dragon Sword May 15, 2004
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brown acid

Diarhreah that makes one's asshole burn.
Like last night. You know what I'ma talkin' 'bout, that brown acid comin' out yo' butt.
by BigBongStudly September 3, 2009
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Brown-Acid Moment

When your visioning something that is unexplainable or fuckin' crazy
Sam saw Lucifer blow the salt from the salt circle
Girl: Are you okay?
Sam: Yeah im just...
Lucifer: Having a brown-acid moment?
by SASSAFRASS June 27, 2015
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