1. A bitch ass republican who wants to suck Donald Trumps Dick. Trump wont let him because he's too much of a bitch. He also has a lisp and is a disgrace to all the LGBT community.

2. A Dick weasel

3. A closet homophobe with a female name.
A douchebag: Trump won the election there was mass vote fraud
Me: Thanks Lindsey Graham
Bystander: That douchebag is a total Lindsey Graham.
by Dirty JonR December 6, 2020
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My favorite Monty Python member. Unfortunately for me, he is the only dead one.
Likewise, my favorite HP character (Fred) dies. HP is also english, like Graham Chapman & the rest of Monty Python.
by Hannibal Lector42 May 1, 2011
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The most badass mormon in fiction.
Courier: Hi there

Joshua Graham: The time for talk has passed, the lords work must be done
by sugamabals March 1, 2022
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A scary scottish man who ravages through your facebook friends naming their features. Studying at glasgow university. Joining the xbox live party of a younger age group, making paedophilic threats.
Eddie: I'm looking through you're facebook, you've got some beautiful girls on there.

Joe: Bun that, stop being some next graham.
by joeydahoey November 26, 2011
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A term used to describe a mixed person.

Us this word for when you are both a n***a and a cracker.

Or if it makes you feel better say graham for short.

It is hateful if a person that is not mix says it
This graham cracker said.

Fight me graham cracker!

What up my graham cracker.
by Gsgsgsbsb June 3, 2019
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A stupid slut that try’s to make everything about her
by Spookiiiy lee February 12, 2019
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andrea lewis is one lucky girl, she went out with aubrey graham.
by =) November 10, 2004
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