The place that everyone visits to watch lazarbeam or mrbeast
YouTube is fun
by Yourreadingthisfornoreason21:) November 27, 2020
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A social media platform that was once great for catering towards passionate, respectful, and underrated YouTubers who bring awareness to endangered species or a video that talks about mental health disorders and how to help stop them from getting worse until Google merged with YouTube on 2006. As a result, after 2006, YouTube grew worst, because it always recommends very popular, yet moderately disliked and bothersome YouTubers, such as PewDiePie and Logan Paul, to users for them to make more profit. Also, sometimes, when users write an essay comment, users' comments won't show up, or they'll try to post their comments that will say "comment failed" or "unknown error". In fact, if users make their comments too long, YouTube wont allow it, as well as YouTube not liking what users have to say from time to time, often relating to hate speech or politics.
After Google merged with YouTube and allowed anyone under the age of 18 to make accounts with deceiving information, fat, greasy, smelly, and ugly trolls from their mother's basements alongside their indoctrinated followers can create multiple accounts to stalk, harass, and hack against victims to get a reaction from their misery just to make the trolls feel like they are in control of their emotions without facing any repercussions online. It is the price to pay for catering towards a wider audience, which will cause YouTube to become obsolete like Myspace, Facebook, and Yahoo sooner or later...
by TheUnknown21 June 8, 2019
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An completely biased and jealous app that freezes BTS views for no valid reason and acts likes nothing happened
Eg : omg god look at her , she's like YouTube
( Means she is jealous and mean )
by Army forever June 27, 2020
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World's best forum, advocating the message "Broadcast Yourself" to everyone from from fetuses to dead people. However, it suffers from two major short-comings:
1. Absence of porn, full strip-teases and other such forms of nudity.
2. Absence of voice recognition.
Phil : Man, I had to like, totally get off last saturday, and nothing on Youtube could even get my pecker to reach mid-way ...
Duke : Try YouPorn ... !!!
by Chamaar May 15, 2010
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YouTube is a video platform used in many ways. Some videos are educational, some for entertainment purposes, some to spread awareness, some to express feelings, some to vent, and many more I just don’t think I could get all them in this. YouTube also has another platform that is used by many children; YouTube Kids. On YouTube Kids it shows content for kids. Honestly it’s very self-explainitory. But enough on YouTube Kids this is about YouTube. YouTube is another platform by Google. Being on of the many platforms by Google. But if you don’t know what Google is ( If you don’t I’m not sure why you don’t or how you are reading this ) Google is a business used to search stuff up on. It is one of the ( or most ) used search browsers on Earth. Google has many different platforms like Google maps, Google Docs, Google Draw, Google translate, Google Slides, and many, *many*, more.
Person 1: Hey! (Person 2)! I started a YouTube channel

Person 2: You did? That’s awesome! Just be careful ok? It can be very, uh, strict.
Person 1: It’ll be fine! Well see you soon!
Person 2: Bye!
by Hopeanddespair2134🍄 January 2, 2022
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Youtube is a very popular online website where creators around the world upload content for the whole population to see. Youtube is owned by Google.
Did you see that hilarious video on YouTube?
by StuffUDon'tCareAbout May 16, 2016
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YouTube is a website or a app where YouTubers make videos . A app that you can make videos on and money.A app watched for excitement.
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