an absolute bloody legend who times his jokes perfectly and is great with sarcasm.
he is also a jojo and overall anime fan but will bully you if you dont like jojo.
he will allways find some way to make fun of you but only friendly banter.
no matter what he is a good friend and deserves to be treated nicely.
kimi yao is right next me yet did not threaten me to make this definition.
by yoshiball September 21, 2020
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The two words ya and yo combined to make the word Yao.
Yao that Is one cool ride.

Yao I’ll be there tonight for dinner.
by Yao man March 8, 2019
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There’s is no real meaning of Yaos it’s more of a feeling that you get when your happy or mad. It can be used it many phrases or sentences.
Stop being such a Yao’s your pissing me off . What a Yaos.
by Yaosiffer December 18, 2020
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Underrated as hell

Yao is a name of an underrated person
You are just like Yao
by Yeet gramma October 7, 2020
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The epitome of a smooth brain individual
Why are you being such a Yao today?
by Neil Wayne March 16, 2023
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a guy who plays osu, sucks cock, wants hutao rule 34, everyone wants to fuck the statue of liberty cock they have
Shu: I wanna fuck Yao
Zyro: same
by zyro_sucks_cocky_wocky April 25, 2022
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A idiot and is very dumb and crappy and ugly
Look at Yao? He is an idiot
by Devinm12345 March 14, 2017
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