To give someone a handjob and make him cum.
David need help this morning, so Marija whipped his cream .
by The Vildanden Rule Maker October 30, 2015
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The infamous drink and Tim Hortons that can be addicting due to its great flavor.
Meera, u getting ur usual mocha iced capp with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle?
by OkBye777 January 6, 2022
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When someone is so absolutely enamored another person that they’d do anything for them
Person A: He got me roses and a necklace to ask me out and he told me he’s been planning it for months
Person B: he’s so down atrocious whipped cream on pie
by auroralotus December 4, 2022
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The act of inserting the nozzle of a whipped cream can into an anus and proceding to diarrhea in the form of a vanilla and chocolate twist cone into someones mouth.
Rich: Hey Brent, how did your date with Melanie go last night?

Brent: Really well. She was pretty kinky so I gave her a whipped cream twist cone.
Rich: Can't go without dessert.
by Jigger99 November 16, 2011
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