A person who respects Japanese culture and is usually a huge fan of anime. They are usually really nice people, but get insulted and joked about a lot. They like to speak Japanese sometimes, which is awesome.
by samuchan January 11, 2015
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Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it.
U love anything that deal with Japan but u are far from being Japanese weeaboo
by Kitten.star. February 9, 2016
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There are two types of weeaboos.
1. People who watch an obsess of anime, try to learn the language but fail. They say desu, after every sentence.
2. People who say they are an otaku, not a weeaboo.

Some of these people can be weird but some are cool too.

Other forms of the word: Weeb, Weeaboo
You can tell they are a weeaboo by their anime shirt.
by Anonymoooooooose June 30, 2017
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A Cancerous lump on society, will never go away, obsessed with anime
Josh is such a weeaboo he should commit total organ failure
by Oure October 6, 2018
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"What race is she again?"

"Oh? She's a weaboo."
"Weeaboo! She's from the superior race !
by Ionlyspeakpoptarts November 5, 2018
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A weeaboo is some one who thinks anything in anime is real or thinks they're Japanese because they watch it
Hey don't you think we need to help with the titans in Japan

Jerry shut the fly fart nugget you eat for lunch fuck up you're being a weeaboo
by RichardNarwhal February 17, 2017
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NICOLE today said "kawaii" in a very japanese nigerian way, shes a weeaboo
by Kat CHoco Suave November 15, 2016
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