A Halley's Comet is a particularly large, compact bowel movement that is so efficiently delivered to the toilet that it does not require any toilet paper whatsoever for clean up. The term "Halley's Comet" suggests the rare nature of this achievement... likely to genuinely occur only once or twice in a lifetime.
"Man, what a wicked dump. Felt like a Halley's Comet, but it turns out I still needed some toilet paper."

"I ran out of toilet paper last night. Fortunately, I had a Halley's Comet this morning, so I was good to go."

"That was the most satisfying shit I've ever had. Pure Halley's Comet. I hope I have another one in the next 80 years or so."
by Sachin is the God March 29, 2017
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When a man, and another man are engaged in sex. Before the "pitcher" orgasms, he gapes his partner's asshole and dumps in a can of diet Coke and mentos before ejaculating into his partner's anus.
Holy shit Bartholomew! Your stretchy asshole is perfect for a colon comet!
by Drillmaster June 8, 2019
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SWN-009 Comet Woman is a fictional character from the fanmade game, Mega Man Unlimited.

she is a robot master was built by wily for space exploration and she can go at super high sonic speed with usage of her power proposals. however, she can't go to far with irt within the atmosphere in order to avoid her armors getting heated. in addiction, she shares this rivaly bond with jet man which let her off slick with her space duties
"is that a plane? a shooting star? a Sonic Boom? NO! It's Comet Woman!"
by A Shooting Star! September 24, 2020
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An unconscious human who has shat him or herself during free fall at terminal velocity.
Joey thought it would be funny to take Benadryl and laxatives at the same time just before sky diving. Little did he know, this would affect his ability to pull his chute, therefore causing him to become a Shit Comet.
by Space-like-Kevin November 10, 2017
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When a female tickle her throat with you penis during a BJ and she vomits. Ugh.
Her BJ was fire. Until the bitch gave me the vomit comet.
by Soupy Sinatra May 12, 2015
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A projectile of period blood that exits a female's vagina when she queefs during a one week per month period
Margret! You got a pink comet on my almond jar!
by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008
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A splurge of airborne vomit that has not reached the ground.
Dude! I just saw a vomit comet come right off of the Wild Thing!
by mybrassisbiggerthanyourss November 16, 2010
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