an immigrant to a new country who still acts and talks like bak home, behind in the culture...
dayum, can't really undastand him, he's such a fresh
by MizTui April 28, 2003
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Naive or clueless toward a certain thing. Not knowing beforehand or having little knowledge of.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I'm still fresh to this."
by Fudge Round March 7, 2010
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And word commonly used in place of "new," particularily The WB Network.
A fresh episode of Smallville is only five minutes away, here on The WB.
by Ivan February 2, 2005
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The activity of having sexual relations with a human of the opposite sex.
example #1 - "Oh dude I was feeling so grunge last night but then me and some broad got fresh"

example #2 - "Last night I was about to get fresh with Jill, then I realized she is my sister"
"shit dude that's wack!"
by Zach Galifianakis December 19, 2009
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A term that is used to define a girl who wears no underwear with pants or a skirt.
Hey Trisha, I want you to come to school fresh tomorrow.
by J.B.Y. February 24, 2008
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The act of wearing hip new stunning clothes
1;Damn girl Did you See Mr. Urvina today?
2; Nahh why?
3;He's lookin Freshhhhh!
by R.U's.Fresh.B April 6, 2008
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