What a high-level character in an MMO game such as World of Warcraft says when his low-level friend is picked off by a lucky shot from another high-level character or NPC.

Also a World of Warcraft guild on at least one server.
OMG that dingo stole me nublet!

(Character Name)
<Dingo Stole Me Nublet>
by Traffic-Cone-Liberation-Force September 10, 2006
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When police hate the law and need a new car. Also can be a parody of Feliz navidad.
Darn! These police just stole my car and drove it all the way to Africa and I can’t be bothered to walk that far. Looks like I won’t be coming home for christmas. Ugh police stole my car.
by Bored teenager December 31, 2020
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When a coloured human steals your bike while you are going for a friendly ride.
Hey you there my dear fellow that nigga just stole my facking bike!

*music comes on 'nigga stole my bike' and everyone starts shooting each other and mario comes on and bell slaps the nigga
by cederic December 30, 2008
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When a girl spontaneously makes out with a guy who is chewing gum and then afterwards ends up with the gum in her mouth. This is really sexy, all hot girls should do this.
Steve: Dude, she stole my gum!!!

Jim: Kickass man! Gimme five
by DudeoftheDay March 26, 2005
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