when a man places his penis in a girl's ear and ejaculates.
"I steamboat willied the lunch lady this morning. She won't be able to hear for days.
by johnny boyy April 20, 2015
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A Steamboat Willie is a special type of sexual practice defined by the McElroy Brothers. The girl sits on the penis and proceeds to spin around quickly. When used underwater, it is a true Steamboat Willie.
Guy: When I'm in the water, I ask my girlfriend to Steamboat Willie me so I can propel myself forward.
by LamSawss February 22, 2020
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when a small dog licks the upper-crack of a italian and then proceeds to lick the same person on their eyelids unexpectedly
man my dog this morning gave me a rusty steamboat it was hilarious/disgusting
by M.Walk January 7, 2011
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To burrow your nose into an anus durring sexaul playtime. Also known as a Grundle.
The key to any good Grundle or steamboat willy is copious amounts of ass sweat.
by Tasty Time May 21, 2012
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Basically a flaming homosexual who has copious amounts of campness for all to see and mock.
Who was that fag ass out last night?
Yeah, steam boat charlie of life!
by Drew Peacock December 15, 2004
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During the act of sex when a man takes a dump on the chest of a women then places his head in between her breasts that are covered in feces and shakes his head back and forth very rapidly while making the "brrr" sound of a motorboat.

(sometimes refered to as a Cleveland Motorboat)
That girl was so kinky she let me give her a Cleveland Steamboat before I busted it all over her face.
by shady pipeworks May 6, 2009
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Similar to the Cleveland Steamer. A guy squats down over a girls chest and defecates a huge steaming turd between her breasts. The man then "motorboats" the woman's breasts by moving his face back and forth between them and making a motor-like noise with his mouth, thus creating the Cleveland Steamboat.
"I was wondering why Mike's breath smelled shitty when he came home this morning..."
"Oh you didn't hear? He gave Caroline a Cleveland Steamboat and still had some shit on his chin!"
by D squeezie April 14, 2007
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