Hiding in a large piece of antique furniture so you can jerk off to the noises your mother makes when she's fucking the family dog
"Damn, dude, I nearly fractured my wrist pig spying dat ho!"
by The Gorgon June 5, 2015
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A mysterious man who approaches you while you're playing jazz, sneakily records your solo and transcribes it to steal all your precious and beautiful licks.
"I am not a jazz spy" (he was a jazz spy)
by MilesDavis69420 July 10, 2021
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some group acting like they own YouTube and the saved it :/
spy ninjas need to be stopped
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They are one of the many who posses the power of gaming. Their mortal enemies are Engineer Gaming and Heavy Gaming. They can be found looking like a regular

Gibus Spy, but don’t be fooled! Despite the sneakiness, they usually target Engineers and Heavys. They can be found doing the Kazotsky Kick, with the Russian music swapped with French Accordion music.
by The_Leafy_Boi1244 December 29, 2021
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after you take a poo and are ready to wipe, your finger penetrates the toilet paper and scrapes the grime off your poopy ass hole.
note: spying on the starfish happens easily if using single ply toilet paper
after a night of hard drinking your bud comes in the room after taking a shit and says," woah, im so hungover i just caught myself spying on the starfish."
by montford11 May 28, 2006
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