Originaly a name given to a building site labourer, the meaning of "Shovel monkey" has since expanded to include any unskilled worker.
Spike: Icould do with a coffee.

Sam: Get the Shovel monkey (Nick) to make one, he's just a cockerny twat anyway.
by Beardyblob April 28, 2008
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A hot chip that is crispy enough that you can pierce the surface of another chip, allowing you to eat a chip with another chip
Mat drops his chip into his tomato sauce*

Mat- "oh no I've dropped my chip into my sauce"

Jamie- "that's a conundrum!"

Elijah- "how are you going to get that out without getting sauce on your fingers?"

Pat- "use a shovel chip"

Mat picks up the shovel chip and successfully gets the chip out of the sauce with no mess on his fingers

Mat- "Pat you're a genius, this is the best! SHOVEL CHIPS !!!!!"
by Pat Hoops August 5, 2016
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The only person that knows where you stash your porn, drugs or sextoys, with the specific function of relocating/destroying the materials when you die before gets discovered by your family and other friends.
"Ron Jeremy needs a shovel-buddy."

"I sure hope my shovel-buddy remembers where I put this"
by JMosh June 13, 2007
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A persons back side which is shaped somewhat like a shovel; a flatt ass; or a long droopy ass.
Yo! That chick does't have an ass, she has a shovel butt!
by mpe~aka~Easy June 14, 2009
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A gif of a dog being repeatedly hit with a shovel and being killed. The gif is notorious for popping up in places people would least expect them, often used for shock value by Edgelords and sociopaths because they may find it humorous.
Some people even made memes with the gif featured in it which is used to bait people in the popular chatting software Discord.
Guy1: Hey guys, I have this really stupid idea that will change the world
Guy2: What are you even talking about?
Guy3: When in doubt, Shovel dog.
by ɯʇdS February 10, 2019
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1) When you put your 'shovel' in the 'pit'- often times, an exclamation describing such a situation- honestly, the description is a little amorphous, and is subject to usage on a case-by-case basis.

2) a winning moment

3) whatever you want it to mean...dirty is preferrable
Johnny walks up to Delilah's house and screams:
"Shovel in the Pit!"
"Sure thing, Johnny! Come on in!"

Ladynasty: hey, how's it going?
Tyron: Oh, pretty well
<awkward silence>
Tyron: Shovel in the Pit?
Ladynasty: You know what's good.
by Big Daddy Boom September 24, 2011
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Doing real work that is a difference maker for customers
Having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specific way
Do something shovel worthy tomorrow!
by 196888889 February 27, 2019
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