Rubbing a mans genitals, but the guy has his pants on
Dude! She was sac rubbing me at the movies.
by x3 oNE KeWL KiD May 14, 2006
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Sacramento's south side. Known mostly for it's broad diversity, drugs, and gangs. South Sacramento is where most Sacramento area rappers are based. Also known for it's high homicide rate, which is the highest in the city. South Sacamento is arguably the second most ghetto area of the city, with Oak Park being the first.
I'm from South
by Young Vato December 15, 2005
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an adjective meaning something cool or good.
Gabe has a black sac style that everyone around him wants.
by Daniel Younan February 24, 2009
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Putting your scrotum in a girls mouth. Same as a tea-bag, but it just stays in there.
Yeah, like that sac lunch.
by Sam February 26, 2005
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n. form: given. to give a sac tap.
a masculine tap given to fellow male teammates/friends in the genital area. the tap is fast and somewhat painful enough to consider it masculine. usually achieved when giver is walking by victim. (if not and giver waits for reaction, it is considered a foul and therefore the giver cannot pull off masculine facade) Hard to recover from with dignity. similar to football ass slap.
sac tap!(yelled while jokingly tapping another's genital area; other flinches and trys to recover by exclaiming "oh ho!")
by GangstaCrackaFresh January 26, 2005
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Better known as FonDuLac, WI.
Wow, if that mulleted freak isn't from stallis, he's got to be from Fondle Sac.
by MKizzle April 20, 2006
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The smell of taco coming from a males sac, gooch, or asshole area. Usually occurs after sweating.
I just played a tough game of basketball and now I have mad taco sac!

I can smell your taco sac from here!
by John Johnstein March 28, 2009
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