Drugo, Addicted to porn , bi

hi leon ;) meow
royce lives in civic lad eshayyyyyyy
by Eshay Mate June 10, 2022
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Royce - Someone who pretends they care, pretends to listen, pretends to be this amazing person to all he meets. (News Flash) - He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself. He refuses to listen or learn. He refuses to venture outside himself. His EGO is all that represents him. He has no space for anyone or anything unless you kiss his a#s.
Royce's also like to use excuses related to his past and present life, along with undiagnosed or self diagnosed ADHD.

Dont expect a Royce to ask questions or be interested in your past present or future unless its a bench mark he can use to demonstrate his utter awesomeness and superiority over you.
Royce to ANYONE:" It's not all about you."
Royce to GF: "You don't know what you like, I know what YOU like."
Royce to Females: "Is it that time of the month? Why are you acting like this".
Royce discussing volleyball: "He was a really good teammate, and he was Indian."
Royce talking to other male: "I reckon I can beat you at anything, and I haven't played half the sports you play for years."
Royce to anyone that is left stuck listening: "I can fold napkins."
by classic_life_skills June 18, 2022
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Royce - Someone who pretends they care, pretends to listen, pretends to be this amazing person to all he meets. (News Flash) - He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself. He refuses to listen or learn.
Royce to ANYONE: It's not all about you.
Royce to GF: You don't know what you like, I know what YOU like.
by classic_life_skills June 18, 2022
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one of the most biggest sluts in the entire freaking world, like im not even joking when i say that. they will literally just pick you up and break ur heart the next. never befriend one of these brutal creatures. espically if they are a libra omg
"royce is such a hoe"
by kimmytheultrabitch June 3, 2020
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good looking ,attractive, he makes people trust him and then changes all of a sudden addicted to porn and sexualises everything
he is just a royce just a teen porn lover
by truthwillbeprovided February 14, 2022
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A slightly feminine characteristic or expression from a male counterpart.

Used on World of Warcraft extensively to describe a controversal choice.
After destorying the Lich King and before leaving the raid group the user will TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) thier buddies. This would descibne as a Point for Royce situation.
by graanco August 20, 2010
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A brand of brown powder heroin, sold online and on the street.
When the coppers busted us, they jacked eight grams of Rolls-Royce, three roaches, and some papers
by pro2a July 15, 2020
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