Someone whom sits around in their thong or wife-beater monkeying around all day in the hot sun. Also another version of the termonology is: a person whom looks like a monkey and smells like one too, hanging around all day on their porch doing nothing with " my sister".
Autumn says to Sunny: " I'm a monkey, and I'm on our porch, I must be a Porch Monkey!"

by Quack-tastic May 10, 2007
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An extension of a Space Monkey; so extremely spaced out that they don't even move or do anything.
I don't think that kid has moved all day. He's a total porch monkey.
by Rob Bob May 22, 2008
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A deregatory term used to describe Carion in the game guildwars, meaning worthless.
by Warrior Nation March 5, 2007
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Used as a roast or to show that someone is so stupid that they belong in the jungle
Man: *holding phone* where is my phone
Woman: in your hand you retarded porch monkey
by Happy! July 10, 2021
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A lazy oil changing sign guy. Looks black but talks white
Shef doesn't do shit on his day off and sleeps with dirty white women. He loves Gixxer Mike. Shef be a porch monkey
by WD40 December 7, 2007
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