the sound a human makes to imitate a cat


like the word me & the word ow

i know you know what meow must be bored
by jfunk2 January 11, 2007
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meow: term a feline uses ether when hungry,thirsty or just trying to piss u off to the piont that you can't stand it any longer.
"meow"... ok kitty heres your food....
"meow"... ok kitty heres your water...
"meow" "meow" "meow" "meow" "meow".....what do what kitty you have food and water..."meow" "meow" "meow" "meow"....stop it kitty...."meow"...please stop kitty..."meow" "meow" "meow"...STOP IT NOW YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!
by bill whiple February 16, 2004
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Its what a cat usually says
Person1: Hey you!
Person1: are you a cat?
Person1: WTFFFFF
by Sleeping April 1, 2017
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Random word uttered by bored teens. Means 'I'm bored' or 'you're such an idiot that I'm ignoring you and meowing instead'.
She meowed after I told her about my grandmother's foot problem.
by MakaKaka November 6, 2003
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Often used to interrupt awkward silences. Can be translated to "Start talking bitches."
John: "So I'm gay..."
Jack: "..."
Bill: "Oh... yeah?"
John: "Yeah..."
Jack: "Cool..."
Bill: "..."
Jack: "..."
John: "Meow."
Jack: "Right. So who watched the game last night?"
by Morgan December 17, 2004
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1. A word used to compensate when one doesn't know the lyrics "when it comes to meow meow its just me, myself and I....."
2. Sound of happiness one makes when no other word is sufficient. "MEOW : D" or "me-fucking-ow"
3. Sound of utter boredom one makes when one is too bored to form real words. (meow)
4. A very short and snappy meow can be used to show lack of patience. " Yeah I'll move the nav element half a pixel down, . meow."
5. When one is on TV and experiencing extreme physical trauma. ~ carrot and the stick man sits in the same room as me ~ yes most people don't remember the program ~
6.  A word used to describe attractive members of opposite sex "meeeeeee ow look at that fine specimen"
7. Used in place of blah blah blah. meowmeowmeow
by missmai June 25, 2004
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