A month where you beat up memers on reddit, for hating everything and thinking that they are gods and want the world to revolve around them and people be their slaves, it happenes in august for the whole month.
Guy 1: Its beat up memer month, you know what that means?
Guy 2: Oh yea
Guy 1: Let's beat up some memers
by Demert March 8, 2021
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Slixur The Memer is an instagram meme account with 50k+ followers.
Person 1: Hey did you see slixur the memer's new meme?
Person 2: Yeah I did, it was very moderate. In fact, all of slixur's memes are mediocre.
by sockodoggo December 18, 2020
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The forced memer does anything in their effort to slap memes into internet conversations as much as possible, even when it doesn't work in context at all. They are prone to shitposting and may be difficult to have a serious conversation with. A few forced memers clamor for the spotlight so much that they will attempt to force a new meme themselves. Meanwhile, some are just trolls. Many will bandwagon together.

Corporations may also shoehorn memes into their products or advertisements, as an attempt to appeal to the same crowd. It is often received poorly.
Example 1;

Forced memer: *sees a random four-panel comic* Is this loss??

Example 2;

Not a memer: Feeling good, just ate a delicious pizza today

Forced memer: such pizza wow, very taste
by LazyCavy August 23, 2019
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Memer is short for a small content creator memeloverlmho or memeloverlmao
1. Hey! did you know that i like Memer!?
2.Memer, wanna hang out?
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Person1: amogus
Person2: im dying of laughter
Person3: What a funni memer
by NotFUnnidUd May 11, 2021
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A person, usually introverted and posts depression stopping stuff on the internet. This depression stopping stuff comes in many genres. Wholesome, Boomer, Millennial, Gen Z, Modern, 2010 and dark.
Make meme, post meme, be memer.
by ChickenCid123 February 23, 2021
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