Usually a Curvaceous Brunette with an Amazing Singing voice. Mandi's are incredibly Sexy however incredibly intelligent. She tends to obsess over things like Rock Bands and Celebrities. Mandi' is generally liked by everyone
Did you hear that Girl singing today?
she's so hot i bet her name is Mandi
by Vaneesa June June 18, 2010
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meaning worthy of love in latin. amazingly beautful, but she dosent know it. she has a wonderful personality but thinks differently. around friends she is vary outgoing. but in crouds and around people she dosent know she is vary shy. she is vary emotional. you will be lucky to have her as a friend for she is vary loyal and trustworthy. you are ether on her good side or on her bad side. there are few peolpe she dosent like. but she can make there lives hell if she wants to. she trys to help everybody, and will give you any advice she can if you need it. she will tell you things you need to hear, and it dosent matter if you wanna hear it or not. she has many admirers but dosent know it. if your lucky enugh to be with her, dont screw it up. the feeling she has for anybody will last no matter what. but theres no telling when they will fade. she loves with all her heart. dont loose her.
mandy is a nice person
by vrpill January 30, 2020
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mandy or amanda is a lovely name.

mandy is a lovely women.

mandy usually tells you the truth about things even if it scares you even if it upsets you even if you dont want to hear it.

mandys mum usually gets on her nerves but she still loves her.

by SOVANNAH December 9, 2016
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Mandi someone special
beta give her a dollar............
by brace June 4, 2004
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the name of a gorgeous, successful woman. This name means Worthy of Love. Some give Mandi a bad name but others life it up. Lots of people are jealous of the girls who are named Mandi so Mandi's usually get talked about. Don't hate me because you ain't me!
Envy me! ~Mandi
by blah3 August 25, 2008
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Slang for MDMA. "Mandy" is a powder form of the drug ecstacy. Is often preferred to ecstasy pills as MDMA is pure, whilst ecstasy pills are often adulterated. It is a popular drug amongst ravers and people who do not trust the purity of pills, and ecstasy in general has always been associated, often by the police and government, with the underground dance music scene.

Other slang names include "mud".
"Alrite mate, you got any mandy for the mash-up tonight? If not I'll get some beans (pills)"
by Boothy_BW February 21, 2007
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a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “beloved.”
derived from Amanda
Amanda, Mandi, Mandy, Mandie, Mindy
by Mandi M. June 15, 2008
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