A really nice and pretty girl who doesn’t care what other people think. Very talented
Boy 1 - I am gonna as lily to Prom
Boy 2 - Man I wanted to ask her! She is so nice and pretty
by Happy Girl 102 May 27, 2019
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One who everyone really likes but she needs to believe they do and just be calm and nice to all.
I’d kind to be around a Lily
by FLhammerjammer18 May 19, 2019
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Amazing most beautiful, sexy, hot, gorgeous, irresistable girl in the entire world! You ALWAYS wanna get in her pants. She is perfect in every way.
"Man, that girls a Lily"
"I know, shes fucking HOT"
by LILYFXCKER September 27, 2009
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A person who absorbs (eats) their twin in the womb.
by katbatman November 19, 2018
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A Lily is going to be the most positive, outgoing person you will ever meet. She is the pure definition of sunshine. She will always be willing to try something new, and is extremly flexible when it comes to making anyone happy. She is really pretty and beautiful, even though sometimes she doesn't realize it. But deep down she knows it's true. Lily can cheer you up no matter whats bringing you down, her just being in the same room as you is enough for her unique, caring personality to shine. You will share many laughs, and have an amazing time together. If you have a Lily in your life, keep her close. Because sometimes she can be the only person who understands you. And you can truly call her your bestfriend. And when life gets tough Lily will always help you let the light shine down and show you the way. Be silly with your bestfriend Lily!♡
"You know, I've never have had a better friend than Lily. She really is the bestest best friend I could ever ask for."

"Ya, Lily is the kindest person I've ever met. And she is loyal, and really means it when she says that your her only best friend. Gosh, I wish I was you, and I could be Lily's bestie."

"Yes, I am lucky, are'nt I?!"
by SActress July 12, 2019
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