1. When somebody has physically been brought to death by another human
2. When somebody makes a joke so funny you might die.
3. When your urban dictionary post gets rejected so many times that you feel like youve been killed.
1. US Army soldiers have killed thousands of Nazis.
2. "I cracked so hard at that joke, I think he killed me."
3. I swear to god this submission hasn't made it in so many times that I probably should've killed myself.
by lilglock January 23, 2019
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Slang term for the hamlet of Wallkill, NY. (Located in upstate New York.)
Yo! You gonna be back in the kill this summer?
by Somebody InDaKill July 3, 2006
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To destroy the insides of a woman by means of sexual intercourse
"Yo, wassup with Shorty from the other night?"

"Son, I definitely kill!"
by Str8asshole February 4, 2017
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to kill something eg a joke, a saying, a band anything your heart desiers can now be "killed"
"dude uve told that joke all day, and now its not even funny, stop killing it!!"

"you just killed it for the last time!"

or a simple "stop killing it!"

"you killed it, now its buried and your p*ssing on its grave"

"your killing it out now!"

or even simpler "killed!"
by alex burns December 28, 2005
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when someone hacks you after you have been battling it out with someone else (he sneaks in after and kills you when your health is low)
by crazycrazy1123 January 12, 2009
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